Sunday, July 10, 2011

In management, planning is the process of defining organizational goals, create strategies to achieve that goal, and develop a plan of organization of work activities. Planning is the most important of all management functions because without planning other functions, organizing, directing, and controlling, will not be able to walk.
Plans can be either informal or formal plan plan. Informal plans are plans that are not written and is not a member of an organization's common goals. While a formal plan is a written plan of an organization that must be implemented within a certain timeframe. Formal plan is a plan with members of the corporation, that is, every member must know and execute the plan. Formal plans are made to reduce ambiguity and mutual understanding of what to do.
plan or the plan is a document used as a scheme to achieve the goal. The plan usually includes the allocation of resources, jadwa, and other important measures. The plan is divided based on the scope, duration, specificity, and frequency of use. Based on the scope, the plan can be divided into strategic plans and operational plans. The strategic plan is a general plan that applies throughout the organization while operational plan is the plan that governs the daily activities of the organization.
Based on the duration, the plan can be divided into long-term plans and short-term plans. Long-term plan is generally defined as plans with a term of three years, short-term plan is a plan that has a period of one year. While plans are in between the two is said to have an intermediate time frame.
According to the specificity, the plan is divided into directional plan and specific plans. Directional Plan is a plan that gives only general guidelines, not detailed. For example a manager told employees to "increase profits by 15%." Manager not told what to do to reach 15% it. Such a plan is very flexible, but high levels of ambiguity. While the specific plan is a plan in detail to determine ways to do to achieve the goal. In addition to telling employees to "increase profits by 15%," he also gave detailed orders, for example by expanding the market, reduce costs, and others.
Finally, the plan divided by the frequency of its consumer, ie single use, or standing. Single-use plans are plans that are designed to be implemented only once. An example is "to build the 6 factories in China or" sales reach 1,000,000 units by 2006. "While standing plans are plans that run for the company's stand, which includes procedures, regulations, policies, and others.
Stephen Robbins and Mary Coulter put the four planning objectives. The first objective is to provide guidance for both managers and employees nonmanajerial. Under the plan, employees can find out what they need to accomplish, with whom they must work together, and what should be done to achieve organizational goals. Without a plan, and individual departments may be working independently at random, so the work is less efficient organizations.
The second objective is to reduce uncertainty. When a manager makes a plan, he was forced to look far ahead, predict changes, estimating the effect of these changes, and develop a plan to deal with it.
The third objective is to minimize waste. With a purposeful and planned work, employees can work more efficiently and reduce waste. In addition, with the plan, a manager can also identify and remove things that can cause inefesiensi within the company.
The last goal is to set goals and standards used in subsequent functions, namely the process of controlling and pengevalusasian. Evaluating the process is the process of evaluating or comparing the plan with reality. Without plans, managers will not be able to assess the performance of the company.
In addition to these four things, most of the studies [1] shows the relationship between planning with corporate performance.
In establishing a plan should contain the elements is as follows:

Purposes. A plan will be implemented must have clear objectives and constraints will have a purpose (focus). These are detailed within the limits of the time limit that will be used, how the achievement of these goals and others.
Politics. The meaning of this is political authority, delegation and accountability in the implementation of a plan. So that the goals are set to be successful.
Procedure, a sequence of actions or activities that are organized in order to achieve that goal.
Budget or the budget is an integral part in achieving the goals. This budget should be made as realistic as possible, so that the burden of this implementation is not not so heavy.
Program, a combination of politics, procedures and budgets and the need for an alternative destination if the ultimate goal is not achieved as expected.
A good plan should include the properties as barikut: 1. Use simple words and clear in terms easily understood by the recipient so that different interpretations can be eliminated 2. Flexible, a plan must be menyesiakan with sebenranya circumstances. 3. Stability, it is not necessary every time the plan change so it must be maintained stability, each plan must be in consideration. 4. is in balance means that the giving of time and factors of production to whom the goals of the organization balanced with the need. 5. includes all actions required, so it includes the functions that exist within the organization.
Nature and Benefits of Business Planning A good business plan generally has the following properties: a) Focus, which means that business planning is based on the vision, mission and objectives are clearly specified. b) Rational and factual, which means that business planning is made based on the idea that reasonable, realistic, future-oriented and supported by the facts that exist. c) Sustainable and estimation, means that business planning is made and prepared for sustained action and estimates of future conditions. d) Preparation and flexible, meaning that the business plan made in preparation, the guidelines for actions to be implemented that are tailored to the business environment faced. e) Operational, business planning means as simple as possible, a detailed and workable. Where a business plan has the properties above, then by creating a business plan will obtain several benefits as follows: 1. Work or activity can be carried out regularly and with a clear purpose. 2. Avoiding work or activities that are not productive and more efficient use of resources. 3. Provide evaluation tools to determine business success. 4. Provides a basis for monitoring and improvement efforts. That is, business planning is used to ensure that the goals are being achieved.

A good plan should contain the following properties: [11]
1. Use simple words and clear in terms easily understood by the recipient so that different interpretations can be eliminated.
2. Flexible, a plan must be able to adjust to the real situation when there are changes in circumstances it is not all plans changed and possible adjustments are held. Rigid nature does not have such and such, although other circumstances than planned.
3. Stability, it is not necessary every time the plan change so it must be maintained stability of each plan must be in balance.
4. It's in balance means that the giving of time and factors of production to whom the goals of the organization balanced with the need.
5. Includes all necessary action, so it includes the functions that exist within the organization.

The process of making the plan include:
1. Assign tasks and goals
Between tasks and objectives can not be separated, a plan can not be determined beforehand difrmulir without what the tasks and objectives. The task is defined as what to do, is the goal of a or the value to be obtained.
2. Observation and analysis
Determine what factors may facilitate the achievement of goals (observations) when it is known and collected, then analyzed against him to determine which one is used.
3. Hold possibilities
Factors that are available with planning to make a few possibilities in achieving the goals. Where the possibilities that have been obtained can be sorted on the basis of specific, such as length penyelesian, besarbya it cost efficiency and effectiveness and so forth.
4. Making synthesis
Ie synthesis alternative will be chosen from the possibilities that exist by marrying sitesa of these possibilities. The possibilities that exist have weaknesses.
Author Who Plans?
1. Planning Committee
This committee consists of several elements that represent multiple parties, each of which brought its mission to produce a plan, in hopes the plan will be better prepared.
2. Planning Division
Often the task of planning, is a routine task in an organization or company. This is one unit in an organization in charge of special plans. So here there is no element of representation that represents a part of the organization.
3. Power Staff
In an organization or company there are two functional groups namely:
- Implementing, not equated with the leaders of the groups who directly handle the job
- Staff (thinker) is a group that does not directly produce goods or products the company, its duty to analyze the facts in order to plan something for later.
Classification of facilities planning consists of three types, namely:
Site planning
The purpose of this site plan is for companies or factories as possible can operate / produce smoothly with low operating costs and allow for future expansion. Determination of the exact location will affect the consumer with satisfactory service, obtain sufficient raw materials and continuous at a decent price, get enough manpower, enabling future expansion.
The deciding factor to get the location are: the location of the market, where the sources of raw materials, labor availability, transportation facilities, and the level of security and comfort.
Selection and location determination method comprising: factor rating, the ideal value analysis, economic analysis, cost-volume analysis, graffiti center approach, and method of transportation.
Planning the layout.
The objective of this layout is to achieve an efficient production system and effectively through: optimum utilization of plant equipment, use a minimum amount of labor, the production of a smooth material flow, lower inventory requirements, efficient use of space, enough space , production costs and low capital investment, sufficient flexibility, high safety and good working atmosphere.
Effectiveness of the layout is influenced by: material handling, space utilization, ease of maintenance, respite motion, product orientation, product changes, or product design.
The layout of the manufacturing industry there are three types, namely: process layout, product layout, fixed position layout.
Planning of material handling systems
The basic principles of material handling systems are 17, namely

Composed of material handling systems must meet the goals and basic requirements.
Handling and storage systems should be integrated.
Material handling equipment and procedures are designed in such a way by considering the factors of human abilities and limitations.
Methods and material handling equipment selected must provide cost per unit of freight rates.
Energy consumption factor of material handling systems and procedures should be included in the conduct of economic justification.
The use of a room as effectively as possible.
As far as possible take advantage of gravity in moving the material by considering the limitations.
Use computerization in material handling.
In the handling and storage of the data stream must be integrated with the physical flow of materials.
Operation sequence and equipment layout must be effective and efficient.
Standarisasikan methods and material handling equipment.
Mekanisasikan material handling equipment for efficiency.
Methods and material handling equipment must have a minimal impact on the environment.
Handling methods should be as simple as possible by eliminating, reducing or combining movement and or equipment are not necessary.
Methods and tools should be able to handle a variety of operating conditions.
Methods and material handling equipment must comply with applicable safety regulations.
Material handling system should include maintenance schedules, repair schedules, as well as long-term policy.
· Objectives Classification
Basic grouping between classification systems of living things with each other may be different. However, in general the classification of living things have a purpose and benefits are almost equal.
· The purpose of classification are:
a. Describe the characteristics of living things to be easily recognizable.
b. Classify living things based on the characteristic equation.
c. Viewing kinship among group members living in the classification. The more common one group with another group means the two parties have closer kinship ties.
d. Ordering process of evolution / development of a living thing based on kinship with the other groups.
· Benefit classification
Besides having a purpose, classification is also beneficial to mankind. The benefits include the following classifications.
a. Simplify the object of study.
If we would not need to learn something all living beings on earth who studied one by one, but enough with the sample or a representative of the object that is considered to represent all. For example, for studying insects or bees with characteristics that represent the insect.
· B. Known kinship.
By looking at the relationship grouping \ classifications are knowable relationships are. For example, close relationships are more chickens with ducks than with snakes.
According to James AF Stonen, the main task of a leader are:
Leaders work with others
A leader is responsible for working with others, one with his superiors, staff, coworkers or other superiors in the organization as well as people outside the organization.
Leader is responsible and accountable (akontabilitas).
A leader is responsible for preparing the task of duty, conduct evaluations, to achieve the best outcome. Leaders are responsible for the success of his staff without failure.
Leaders balance the achievement of the objectives and priorities

Leadership process is limited resources, so leaders must be able to arrange the task by giving priority to priority. In efforts to achieve the goals the leader must be able to delegate his duties to the staff. Then the leader must be able to manage time effectively, and solve problems effectively.
Leaders need to think analytically and conceptually
A leader must be an analytical and conceptual thinker. Furthermore, can identify the problem accurately. Leaders must be able to decipher the entire work becomes clearer and its relation to other work.
The manager is a mediator
Conflicts always occur on every team and organization. Therefore, leaders must be able to become a mediator (mediator).
The leader is a politician and diplomat
A leader must be able to invite and make compromises. As a diplomat, a leader must be able to represent the team or organization.
Leaders make difficult decisions
A leader must be able to solve the problem.
According to Henry Mintzberg, The Role of Leader are:

The role of relationships between individuals, in this case functions as an exemplary leader, team builder, coach, director, mentor consultation.
The role of informal function as a monitor, disseminator of information and spokesman.
The decision-maker role, functioning as an entrepreneur, disturbance handling, resource allocation, and negotiators

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