Friday, June 24, 2011

How To Upload Website to the Internet

When your site has been created on your personal computer, then the next process which should have to do is upload your website files to the server CantikSehatShop.

To upload process can be divided in two ways:

1. By using FTP,

2. By using the file manager in Cpanel found your website.

This article will try to guide you in making the upload process by using FTP.

FTP software is used as an example in this article is FileZilla, you can download it from Just a suggestion, use the mirror closest to your location, so the download process can be run quickly. Once the download is complete, please install file and you can immediately use it. A general guideline in FileZilla:

1. Shows the contents of your computer (the computer where installed FileZilla). The information provided is in the form of drives and Folder2 contained on your computer

You can click on the sign (+) to go to the folder where the files to be uploaded, or you can also type a path directly into the folder.
2. Is the contents of the folder you want to go,
3. Message window
Contains the response of the commands sent by FileZilla, pesan2 may take the form:


Shows the status of the operations performed. Examples: "Connecting to (server) ..." or "Retrieving directory listing ..."


An error message (always shown in red). Occurs if there is an error in the operation carried out or it could be due to a discontinued operation directly by users.


Shows the command being sent by FileZilla to the server


Shows the response given by the server. If the first digit indicates the number 2 or 3 means the operation carried out successfully, if 4 or 5 means failing

4. Remote Computer window (server),

5. File transfer status.
Melakukan Koneksi ke server4
Quick connection bar
In connection quick bar, you type the following information:

a. at the address: type the url of your website, without the http://.

b. username and password used by default is your cpanel username and password

c. empty it of the port, because it will be filled automatically by FileZilla (just information, the port for FTP is 21).
Upload File
display if the connection is successful

Once the connection is successful, then you can do the uploading. First, make sure you go to the public_html folder on your website, because it is the public_html folder where your files will be displayed.
double-click on the folder public_html

Then, you can be selecting the file (on the local site) which would you upload, then right-click, and select upload.
you can doing step by step
or all files and folders at once

End Stage

After you finish uploading, make sure you close the connection to the website, especially if you use the internet from public facilities such as cafes. The trick, click the icon â œdisconnect from server ".

disconnect from server

     a. if the file you want displayed on the front page, please change the first name of the file into index.html, or index.php

     b. use lowercase letters in the names of all your file names.

     Index.html -> not recommended,

     index.html -> new right.

     c. FileZilla is used here merely an example, if you want to use the other FTP software, you can look at using keywords FTP.

     d. If you want to add FTP users, you may do so through the â œFTP Managerâ Cpanel on your website.

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