Saturday, June 25, 2011

5 Ways in search of work

Competition in the world of work today is very high due to the lack of jobs compared with the number of job seekers. To get a job we have to have special skills that are needed such as education levels and specifications, computer, language, experience, etc.. In the job application process we must also have ways or tips that are easy to get working.To be taken into account where you applied for a job, you should be able to give something more. Not only the curriculum vitae is impressive, but it also must be able to give a positive impression during job interviews. Here is the implied message that you can tell even before a job interview, to create the impression that you are a prospective employee should be employed.1. "I am a professional"The job applicants who are seriously following the application process will be handled similarly by the employer. For instance, reread the material of your cover letter for typos or misspelled. Nothing wrong if you get someone you trust to re-read your cover letter and CV, as a precaution in case of writing errors. Also, be careful with the use of language. Avoid the use of informal words, or a foreign language if it is not too important.2. "I am a person must reach the target"Ministry of HRD is always flooded with job applications from here and there. Could be your job applications only at first glance. To deal with such problems, you should try to take the initiative. For instance, if you apply for a job with no ads or anything, put the closing sentence, such as, "I am waiting for a response from Mr. / Ms." Or, to be more proactive, put, "If it does not interfere, I will contact Mr. / Ms on Tuesday, at 15.00, to discuss the possibility of me in the position I applied. "You could also try to contact the personnel manager about your application. However, do not do this if the media that advertise vacancies are listed that you are not allowed to contact them. By contacting the workplace within two weeks of delivery, you can be sure whether you should wait or try something else.3. "I am the expert"Companies everywhere will certainly be happier if they could hire someone who is highly skilled. You can also include a variety of skills and certificates that you have, and are associated with the job that you seek earlier. Do not forget, if you are also affiliated with certain associations, cantumkanlah. This can make you value-added because it has a connection to the institution, at any time if necessary.4. "I was able to reduce spending"In economic times like now, many companies are looking for various ways to reduce spending. If you've had success cutting spending in the previous company, Explain how you do it in the CV. For example, when you apply for a job as an administrative assistant. You can put that in your previous company had renegotiated contracts with suppliers of office equipment, resulting in savings of office without the need to reduce the quality and quantity.5. "I was able to deliver what the company needed"To show that you are the best employees, make sure that your application is targeted to a specific position. Use words if appropriate for the position. Make your words as accurately as possible that describe your experience and qualifications. Most companies use software programs that scan for specific words for words that are precise and specific relating to a particular position. So, although you are quite qualified for certain positions, but if it does not use the terminology you are looking for, then resume your work may not be seen.Send a "message" to the company implied that you seek menggaransikan not mean that you will get the job. However, it could increase the chances were called to a job interview. Well, from there, you can give your best impression.

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